Motor vehicle insurance type classes

Motor vehicle insurers take the type classes into account in order to

to be able to calculate contributions for motor vehicle liability and comprehensive insurance.

How does it work?

The type class is one of several characteristics that the insurer considers

calculation of the insurance premium into account. The lower the

classification in the type class, the more favorable this affects the
insurance premium.

The type classes reflect the damage and accident balance sheets of each in

germany registered car model.

In addition, the vehicle damage and the resulting

repair costs assessed over the last three years.
Is  one vehicle type compensated for less damage, 

the model will be converted into a

lower type class.
If more damage is reported

the corresponding model will be upgraded.

For the statistics of the comprehensive insurance, only partially comprehensive

damage considered.

Fully comprehensive damage is considered for the comprehensive insurance statistics.

By the way:

The type class classification is for the insurance companies

not binding.

However, it can now be used for new contracts and for existing contracts

be applied to the main due date – this is usually the

January 1 of the following year.

In liability insurances, the lowest type class is 10, the highest 25.

If you want to know more, click the link below:

Here is the list of type classes from the GDV

GDV: General Association of the German Insurance 

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