The shortage of roads and parking options and the tightness of traffic.
You should always know where to stop and park your vehicle
The sign absolutely prohibited to stop is a matter of common knowledge.
It means, that any stopping is prohibited on roads.
And by the way:
Stopping means a voluntary traffic interruption, which was not created
from traffic or an administration order ( police is stopping you ), and
which doesn’t take more than 3 minutes.
Otherwise the stopping is becoming a parking and it doesn’t matter, if you
are inside or outside the car!
You must consider, that even a short stop for boarding and alighting is not
allowed and in most places, where the sign is posted, very dangerous.
How does it work with the restricted prohibition?
The sign is largely known but still a puzzle for many people.
Here is the explanation:
First of all it is allowed to stop up to 3 minutes for any reason.
But be careful: The car can only be left if you are around it and
can drive away immediately if needed.
For boarding or alighting or loading and unloading it is
allowed to to stop longer than 3 minutes, if necessary.
Arrows in these signs are indicating the direction of the